Hedgehogs (Year 2)


Autumn Term 1





Look at this amazing Homework! 

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Here are your Homework Activities for the Autumn Term





Welcome to Year 2!

We are absolutely thrilled to welcome you to the Hedgehogs class for an exciting year filled with learning, discovery and fun adventures. Check this webpage regularly for all things class related. We can't wait to learn, play and discover alongside each and every one of you. Here's to a year filled with joy, learning and endless possibilities.

Mrs Porter, Miss Thorn & Mrs Weinans

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Autumn Term 2



The Hedgehogs have been busy litter picking in the playground, helping to Care for Creation by keeping our school clean and tidy. Great work Hedgehogs!



The Hedgehogs been busy getting into the festive spirit by creating a beautiful wreath in preparation for the upcoming season of Advent! The children worked together to learn about the significance of the candle colours and shape of the wreath. Great work Hedgehogs!





We were delighted to welcome Pudsey Bear to school!

We all got to give him a high five or a hug. 


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Don't forget to complete some Homework Activities. We are looking forward to seeing some more of your fantastic creations and hearing your super poetry recital. 




Welcome back!

The half term ahead is full of reflection and anticipation as we celebrate the season of Advent and prepare for our Christmas celebrations. We can’t wait to share it with you.

Mrs Porter, Miss Thorn & Mrs Weinans

Spring Term 1

What a fabulous end to the half term! 

The Hedgehogs led our Prayer and Liturgy today. We talked about the importance of being still during the season of Lent and challenged people to be still and take the time to stop and look at the good in the world. We asked that in those moments of stillness we take the chance to talk to God our Father without being distracted by the things around us. 




Internet Safety Day

Internet Safety Day was filled with work about online safety. We discussed what to do if we felt uncomfortable or upset with something we had seen online and who our trusted adults are. The Hedgehogs showed a great understanding of what they would do and made some fabulous posters to display around the school. 


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Look at all this amazing homework! 

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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 9.2.24


Prayer and Reflection

The Hedgehogs were very reverent during a class prayer and reflection today. They thought about people who are special to them and wrote about them on prayer flowers. As they placed their prayer flowers on the water they opened up. Children also placed a candle around the tray as a dedication to their prayer intention. 


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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 2.2.24


Scientists in Action!

The Hedgehogs embarked on an exciting journey to discover the power of paper and cardboard. They made simple bridges and put them to the ultimate test – a challenge of strength! No one could believe how strong a single sheet of paper was! 


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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 26.1.24


The Hedgehog's Bakery

What a fabulous 'WOW' in for our Great Fire of London topic! The Hedgehogs became bakers for the morning and made some delicious bread. They practiced their skills of meauring, mixing and kneading to make their very own bread roll.

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The Taste Test!

The best part of the day was definitely the taste test! Great work Hedgehogs! 



Materials Testing

The Hedgehogs were on a scientific mission, unravelling the mysteries of materials through hands-on experiments! They had to see if they could change a material by twisting, bending, stretching, tearing, squashing and snapping. Super concentration and engagement from all.


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419893376 341410402131558 7813312867810972521 n 419830737 341410332131565 1169357484560666401 n

420001412 341410605464871 909383259728029103 n 419734302 341410742131524 5369294407994705712 n 419895687 341410718798193 5138556173247051388 n 419834209 341410705464861 7644794374661271280 n


Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 19.1.24


Mrs Porter Says...

The Hedgehogs have kicked off the new term by diving into the world of instructions with a fun game of 'Mrs. Porter says'!

It was great to see such enthusiasm as they all followed the instructions.

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Happy New Year!

Get ready to fuel the flames of curiosity and ignite the great fire of learning! Just like a well-tended fire warms us, learning has the power to light up our minds and our classroom. We can’t wait see the sparks of enthusiasm and see the flames of understanding grow as we delve into this term’s topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’! Here's to a term filled with laughter, learning and the joy of discovery.


Curriculum Overview - The Great Fire of London - Year 2

Homework - The Great Fire of London - Year 2

The Great Fire of London - Knowledge Organiser - Humanities

Materials - Knowledge Organiser - Science

Spring Term 2

Easter Bonnet Parade Ready!

We are all very proud of our bonnets. Happy Easter to you all!

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Stations of the Cross

The Hedgehogs were reverent as they walked around the school Stations of the Cross remembering Jesus' last journey. 

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The Last Supper

We looked at a table laid out like the Last Supper. The children considered the feelings of Jesus and his disciples as they spent their last evening together. 


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Palm Sunday

We role played the events of Palm Sunday, waving palms and shouting, "Hosanna" as Jesus entered Jerusalem. 

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Common Exception Words - Please Practise


We did it!

We are all very proud of our finished tiles.


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Learning to sculpt clay

The Hedgehogs have been exploring the work of Hilke MacIntyre. They looked carefully at her work and have designed and made their own clay tiles. 

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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 15.3.24


World Book Day Fun!

The Hedgehogs had a great day! They dressed in their pyjamas or a costume and took part in lots of book related activities. 

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These were our entries to the paper plate book challenge. As you can see they are all fabulous!

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The Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Hedgehogs and Squirrels have been learning about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They went to church to look at the Confessional, talk about the role of the priest and to hear the prayers said.

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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 8.3.24


Times Tables Rock Stars MAC Day!

We had a MAC competition on Times Tables Rock Stars. The Hedgehogs worked hard to help St. Peter's achieve their total score of 15,520! What superstars!


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Haiku Poems

The Hedgehogs worked together to write haiku poems about the Great Fire of London. A haiku is a Japanese poem made up of 17 syllables. The Hedgehogs counted their syllables carefully and then read them to the class with fabulous expression.


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Super Scientists!

This week's super scientists worked together to investigate how far a catapult can throw different size pompoms! We discussed the suitability of the materials used and the properties those materials had. 


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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 1.3.24


Super Scientists!

The Hedgehogs have been busy experimenting with the absorbency of different materials. They made some great predictions and worked together to complete the experiment, measuring accurately and working as a team. 


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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 23.2.24


Check out the Hedgehog's homework!

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Preparing for Lent.

Our Liturgical Leader helped get the classroom ready for the season of Lent. We have changed our Prayer Table cloth to the colour purple and have written Lenten promises to help us on our Lenten journey. 

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Welcome back, let the adventure begin!


Curriculum Overview - The Great Fire of London - Year 2Homework - The Great Fire of London - Year 2Materials - Knowledge Organiser - ScienceThe Great Fire of London - Knowledge Organiser - Humanities

Summer Term 1

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 24.5.24

Gurdwara Sahib

Year 2 were warmly welcomed to the Gurdwara Sahib in Leamington Spa this morning. The volunteers at the Gurdwara spent time talking to us about their faith and were very impressed with the children’s knowledge of Sikhism. We were taken on a tour of the Gurdwara and saw the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh’s Holy book. The children were also offered some Karah Prasad which is a sacred food. Finally, we went into the langar, which is the community kitchen where everyone gathers to eat. Here, volunteers cook vegetarian meals which are served to anyone in need of a meal. The children were treated to some squash and a biscuit before their journey home.


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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 17.5.24

Parent Prayer & Liturgy

The Hedgehogs were delighted to welcome their parents to Prayer and Liturgy this week. They celebrated the feast of the Ascension and thought about times in their own lives when they have been filled with joy. Thank you to those parents who were able to join them.

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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 10.5.24


The Hedgehogs have been cartographers today! They have drawn an aerial plan of our classroom includiing the desks, chairs and cupboards. Amazing concentration from them all. 


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Sacrament of the Sick

Today we recognised that through anointing with oil and the Sacrament of the Sick, Jesus can heal and strengthen people. We role-played what takes place at the Anointing of the Sick, including the priest laying his hands on the head of the sick person and anointing them with the oil of the sick on their forehead and the palms of their hands.

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William Morris Designs

The Hedgehogs have sketched their own designs based on William Morris's famous wallpaper design, 'Trellis'.


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Happy Hedgehog's Homework


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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 3.5.24

Artists in Action

The Hedgehogs became historians and artists when learning about William Morris. Their keen eyes spotted the use of nature that makes Morris's work so distinctive. They tried their hands at sketching their favourite elements from Morris's designs.

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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 26.4.24


Rainbow Spellings

Who knew practising spellings could be so much fun?! One of our Year 2 spelling groups went onto the playground with chalks in hand and they practised the sounds in their new spellings for this week! Some of the children said "We loved writing our spellings in rainbow colours on the playground. It was brilliant!"

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Ahoy, me hearties!

The Hedgehogs became pirates in Geography, eagerly crafting intricate treasure maps, complete with hidden clues and X marks the spot before challenging their fellow buccaneers to use their map reading skills to find the hidden treasure.

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Faiths Around the World - Bhangra Dancing

Year 2 loved their morning of Bhangra dancing! Originating from the heart of Punjab, where the Sikh religion was founded by Guru Nanak, Bhangra isn't just a dance, it's a celebration of culture and rhythm. Watching the Squirrels and Hedgehogs immerse themselves in the infectious beats and energetic movements of Bhangra was fabulous.

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Faiths Around the World - Exploring sikhism

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Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 19.4.24


Welcome to the Summer Term, Year 2 Superstars!

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey filled with sunshine, laughter and adventures, diving into exciting new topics that will spark your curiosity and imagination.


Curriculum Overview - Out and About 

Maps - Knowledge Organiser - Geography

Animals Including Humans - Knowledge Organiser - Science

Sikhism - Knowledge Organiser - RE

Homework - Out and About 

Summer Term 2
